
July 20, 2016

Certificate in Communication 3 (IELTS Prep 5.0)


Communication III is a two-skill integration of listening and speaking designed to help SS of English who plan to take the IELTS exam to demonstrate that they have the required ability to communicate effectively in English, either at work or at university locally and internationally. It is ideal for SS who are aiming for band score 5.0 or higher on the IELTS test (CEF level B2 and above). This course runs for 3 hours every week for a total of 45 hours within 15 weeks and 90 hours for self-study.


Develop the students’ English listening proficiency to reach IELTS 5.0 (CEF B2 level).


At the end of the course, students will be able to get:
1. Knowledge
- Memorize 250 to 300 academic IELTS vocabulary.
- Identify main ideas, specific information, topics and attitude/opinions of speakers in a dialogue or monologue.
- Demonstrate the ability to take dictation of language which is level-specific.
- Identify the speaker’s purpose from the introduction to a lecture
- Take notes and respond to questions about the topic, main ideas, details and opinions or arguments from an extended listening text (e.g. lecture, news broadcast)
- Distinguish facts from opinions and main ideas from supporting details
- Recognize and practice consonant/vowel sounds, sound patterns, stressed and unstressed syllables specified in the academic listening and speaking course books.
- Identify standard spoken language, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics normally encountered in personal, academic or vocational life.
- Identify announcements and messages on concrete and abstract topics spoken in standard language at normal speed.
- Identify most TV news and current affairs programs such as documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard language.

2. Comprehension
- Explain the 150 to 180 academic words.
- Interpret context in conversation.
- Select the words or phrases to fill the forms correctly.
- Explain the key words.
- Classify the gist and key words during listening note-taking.
- Summarize short and long listening passages.
- Discuss comprehensibly using an adequate range of grammatical structures and vocabulary.
- Initiate, maintain and close a conversation of a general nature.
- Follow extended speech and complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar, and the direction of the talk is clearly stated by the speaker.
- Follow the essentials of lectures, talks and reports and other forms of presentation which use complex ideas and language

3. Application
- Apply a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to their field and most general topics and can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition
- Respond to questions about a conversation between two to more speakers in relation to context, relationship between speakers, register (e.g. formal or informal).
- Transfer specific information from a listening text into a table/diagram
- Write the correct answer into filling the listening question types.
- Report information, events and activities.
- Demonstrate a presentation, an interview and a group discussion.
- Paraphrase information from a spoken text.
- Classify consonant/vowel sounds, sound patterns, stressed and unstressed syllables specified in the academic listening and speaking course books.
- Show the main ideas of complex speech on both concrete and abstract topics delivered in a standard language including technical discussions in their field of specialization.

4. Analysis
- Distinguish key words, phrases, sentences and texts in the academic listening and speaking context.
- Compare information, events and activities.
- Debate in the academic speaking context.
- Distinguish between intonation in questions and statements
- Distinguish between short and long vowels specified in the syllables.

5. Synthesis
- Collect and construct report of information, events and activities through academic listening and speaking context.
- Develop report of information, events and activities through academic listening and speaking context.
- Construct appropriate stress/intonation patterns contributing to effective communication of utterance.
- Produce organized notes using symbols and abbreviations

6. Evaluation
- Evaluate report of information, events and activities through academic listening and speaking context.
- Assess information, events and activities.
- Argue from non-academic to various academic context.

Duration of the course: 45 hours
Study Time: Contact us to arrange your class .

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