
Certificate in MS Access 2

This class will teach students the basis of programming using MS Access.

Key concepts include:
Week 1: The Sample Database
  • Understand the sample database
  • Create simple and concatenated lookup fields
  • Create one-to-many table relationships
  • Set default and required values
  • Understand table design rules
  • Create a general purpose query to underpin forms and reports
  • Create a prototype form using a wizard
  • Optimise the form for keyboard input
  • Create a simple report using a wizard
  • Add a switchboard using a wizard
  • Add a command button using a wizard
  • Add a combo box lookup feature using a wizard
Week 2: Understanding the Object-Orientated Paradigm
  • Understand object properties
  • Understand object methods
  • Understand object events
  • Understand some of the objects in the Access object model
  • Understand procedures and sub-procedures
  • Understand subsw
  • Step through code
  • Understand stepover, step into and step out
  • Understand variables
  • Use the immediate window to view and change variable contents
  • Use the locals window to view and change variable contents
Week 3: Professional Grade VBA
  • Understand data types
  • Understand and implement strong typing
  • Understand and implement explicit variable declaration
  • Understand arguments
  • Understand functions
  • Understand ByRef and ByVal argument types
  • Set and retrieve form control values from within VBA
  • Understand scope
  • Implement error handling
  • Use the help system and the object browser
  • Improve wizard-generated error handling
  • Understand the DoCmd object and some of its methods
  • Replace standard warnings and error messages with custom dialogs
  • Understand all wizard code previously generated
  • Modify and improve wizard code functionality
  • Correctly name controls
Week 4: Speeding up data entry
  • Understand filtering events
  • Add an option group control
  • Set and remove filters using VBA code
  • Understand how to program the Enter and Exit events attached to form controls
  • Understand how to use the Keydown event to respond to keyboard input
Week 5: Implementing a popup browse form
  • Use a listbox control to browse a dataset
  • Convert a form to a dialog box
  • Use the Recordset object's FindFirst method
  • Understand and use the Recordset’s Bookmark property
  • Understand and use the Recordset object's Clone method
  • Understand modal and modeless forms
  • Pass information between forms
Week 6: Maintaining static data
  • Create self-updating bound combo boxes
  • Create and use a global constant
  • Create and use a globally visible utility function
  • Create a pop-up form to add static data with multiple fields
  • Use the Requery method to refresh a control’s dataset
  • Make SQL expressions “Apostrophe Safe”
Week 7: Validations and sub-forms
  • Add an advisory validation using VBA code
  • Add a VBA table-level business rule to a form
  • Create a sub form with self-updating combo box
  • Add a sub form to a form
  • Create and format a report
  • Use a tab control
  • Use a dialogue box to gather and set report parameters
  • Set an application's start-up options
Study Time: Contact us to arrange your class .
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