Key concepts include:
Week 1: The Fundamentals
- Describe main Access 2013 objects
- Start Access and open a database
- Understand the Access Program Screen
- Add, Edit and Delete Records in Table View
- Add, Edit and Delete records in Forms
- Open and run a query
- Open and run a report
- Close down and exit Access
Week 2: Creating and Working With A Database
- Understand Primary Keys
- Understand data types
- Create a database
- Create a table
- Create a query
- Create a form
- Use the form wizard
- Create a report using the report wizard
Week 3: Finding, filtering and formatting data
- Find and replace information
- Sort records
- Filter records
- Adjust and re-arrange rows and columns
- Freeze fields
- Hide columns
Week 4: Working with tables and fields
- Understand field properties
- Index a field
- Change a field’s data type
- Apply formats to number and text fields
- Set default values and apply field validation
- Create input masks
- Create and modify lookup fields
- Create value lists
Week 5: Creating Relational Databases
- Understand table relationships
- Create relationships between tables
- Understand referential integrity
- Implement and test referential integrity
- Understand relationship types
Study Time: Contact us to arrange your class .
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